The Curriculum

All the Elements a Leader Needs for a Successful Class

Now, we have added a Leaders' Guide. With it in hand, someone who wants to lead a class that provides sound advice and a straightforward path to successful personal financial planning has what is needed to do the job.

The Leaders' Guide provides a page-by-page trip though the workbook with answers for quizzes, explanations of concepts and ideas for using the Workbook and its contents.

We don't see financial education as a subject that can be "taught" by an authority figure in the front of a classroom. It is a topic that every student understands--but in a particular, and possibly not the most constructive way.

Our goal with The richest Man curriculum is to encourage students to discuss the ideas and, as they weigh the discussion topics, to persuade themselves. The Rules are easy. The challenge for the student is learning to accept them as a goal and to make the changes in habits and sometimes even sacrifices necessary to apply The Rules successfully.

The Richest Man in New Babylon tells the story of one man who successfully manages to change, grow and discover a new path toward success.

The Workbook gives a Leader the materials needed to engage students and ways to think about the story and apply The Rules to their own lives.

The Leaders' Guide give the Leader answers to the questions posed in the Workbook and ideas about how to use the exercises and encourage discussion and deep engagement with the material. And it offers thoughts about how to structure a class, reading assignments, and ideas for additional engagement.

A page-by-page review of the Workbook with suggestions for how to use it, answers and ideas for class exercises.

A breakdown of the content of the book with reading assignments, discussion topics and other thoughts about ways to structure classes.